alt120 comunicació interactiva

altMind: Content Management System

Altmind is a complete content management solution. Its emphasis is to provide rapid access to content and its application design permits easy customization and functionality scaling. Development began in 2008 and since launched it has been successfully implemented as the administration tool for over 50 websites and corporate databases.

The CMS application is currently available in the English, Spanish, Catalan and German. It allows for storing content in an unlimited number of languages, which can be viewed and edited in parallel under each entity or using special tools for assisting translation both online and offline.

Basic features:

  • Find entries quickly using text searches, filters and sortable lists.
  • Edit rich-text content from the front-end as well as back-end, switching rapidly via shortcuts.
  • Multiple administrators and admin groups with customizable levels of access.


  • Track user changes (editing history).
  • Attach files to entries and set specific functions for each file.
  • File manager allows browsing files and creating folder structures.
  • Relational entries: one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many.
  • Generate additional content in PDF, richly formatted spreadsheets, or XML for Flash.
  • Mass mailing tool with manageable recipients lists and recipient groups, with send-limit per hour.